Learn how to make a successful benefit claim
Free workshops for carers run by Reading Welfare Rights
Are you confused about what welfare benefits you or the person you care for may be entitled to? Do you struggle filling in the forms? Would you like to better understand the system?
As the parent or carer of an adult with a learning disability you may find the welfare system difficult to navigate.
New sessions run by Reading Welfare Rights will teach you how to navigate the benefits system and give you the knowledge and skills you need to make good quality claims for benefits.
Aimed at parents, carers and guardians of adults with learning disabilities, the sessions seek to ensure you get all the support you and the person you care for need and are entitled to.
Topics covered will include:
- Techniques for Making a Successful Benefit Claim
- Personal Independence Payments
- Attendance Allowance
- Incapability for Work.
Group sessions for parents and carers will be held at Launchpad 135, 135 Cardiff Road, RG1 8JF from 1 – 3pm on:
- Friday 27 October
- Friday 3 November
- Friday 24 November
- Friday 1 December
- Friday 22 December
- Friday 19 December
The sessions will be led by an experienced, qualified adult education lecturer. Follow up sessions will be available on a one-to-one basis.
Contact Reading Welfare Rights to book your free place on 0118 955 1070 or email advisor@readingspecialist.co.uk
Billions unclaimed every year
Each year, billions of pounds of benefits go unclaimed – income that could really make a difference to an individual or a family.
Reading Welfare Rights are experts in providing welfare benefit support to those in need. So far this year, staff and volunteers have succeeded in gaining £1 million in financial gains for clients.
Matt Harrison, CEO of Reading Welfare Rights, explained these sessions aimed to deliver strong skills and practical knowledge.
He said: “The education, skills and training provided will lead to high quality applications for welfare benefits that will lead to awards being granted at the initial application stage rather than the need for lengthy appeals, which are often necessary when initial applications have been poorly prepared as the applicant or their representatives were unfamiliar with the system and how to write a successful application.
“The addition of new funds for an individual with learning disabilities may result in new opportunities, which might have previously been unavailable due to lack of funding. For example, the Motability scheme which is paid to Personal Independence Payments (PIP) clients and reimbursement of travel expenses to and from work, which is paid to those in receipt of the Access to Work scheme for people who have mobility or mental health issues which hinders the use of public transport.
“Disability payments such as PIP, Attendance Allowance (AA), Access to Work and others are paid to people who are employed. In many cases, these benefits empower a person to remain in work, whereas a lack of the support needed to help them to address the impact of their health conditions on their daily lives is likely to hinder their ability to hold down employment.”
1-2-1 sessions are also being held at Reading Mencap for adults with learning disabilities.
Social tariffs underclaimed
Latest research by Policy in Practice finds that £18.7 billion of benefits intended to help individuals and families remains unclaimed each year.
Policy in Practice estimate £7.5 billion of Universal Credit goes unclaimed by 1.2 million eligible households.
Council Tax Support is the most underclaimed benefit, with 2.7 million people missing out on £2.8 billion of support.
Social tariffs are also significantly underclaimed. Broadband social tariffs have the lowest take up, with 97% of eligible households missing out.