Service To Support Young People Prepare For Adulthood
Reading Mencap offers a service to support young people aged 16 – 25 with learning disabilities and their families prepare for adulthood.
Our Preparing for Adulthood Family Adviser offers an independent, outreach, information, advice and support service to guide young people and their families through the complexities of becoming an adult, to manage the changes in social care, benefits, housing, health, education, employment and financial management.
Our vision for children and young people with learning disabilities and autism in Reading is the same as for all children and young people – that they achieve well in their early years, at school and in college and make a good transition to adulthood to lead contented and fulfilled lives.
How we can help
Reading Mencap’s specialist Family Adviser is skilled and knowledgeable about all the issues a young person and their family will face over the next few years until they reach their settled adult life.
The Preparing for Adulthood Family Adviser can help you:
- Look after finances
- Access benefits
- Prepare for an Adult Social Care assessment
- Understand the financial assessment process
- Find a college or training course or apprenticeship
- Find employment
- Explore other support services
- Navigate adult health services
- Find suitable accommodation
- Source leisure and social activities
For enquiries about this service, please contact our office on 0118 9662518 between 9.30am and 3.30pm from Monday to Friday or make an online referral.