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Address: Reading Mencap, 21 Alexandra Road, Reading RG1 5PE
Tel: 0118 966 2518
An answering machine is available outside of office hours, which are 9.30am - 3.30pm. Please leave a message and we will get back to you just as soon as we can.
In the event of bad weather such as snow, which may cause travel disruption, please call our emergency number: 07922 459 184. We will aim to put a message on the line by 7am to let you know if the ME Day Activity Service is open or not.
We are a registered charity (1118287) and limited company (05976118) affiliated to National Mencap, but receiving no financial support from them.
Reading Mencap is committed to providing a high-quality service. However, should you feel in any way dissatisfied then please click here for further information.
© 2021 Reading Mencap