Trustee JIm Allpass stands on the banks of a lake and displays his medal

Trustee Jim powers through Ironman challenge

Reading Mencap has its own Ironman in trustee Jim Allpass who has conquered a gruelling triathlon, raising an impressive £1,760 for us! 

The event saw him swim 1.2 miles, cycle 56 miles and run 13.1 miles – 70.3 miles in total – all under the sweltering Hawaiian sun. 

Jim, who has been a trustee of Reading Mencap and acting treasurer since March 2023, was in intense training for the challenge for eight months

He said: “I completed the course in 6 hours, 50 minutes, which was half an hour more than I was hoping for. However, strong crosswinds made the bike leg particularly difficult and the heat on the run, in full sun with no shade anywhere, meant I couldn’t go at the pace I had trained at.” 

This wasn’t Jim’s first attempt at the Hawaiian Ironman. In 2014 he was registered for the event but a bike accident just four weeks before resulted in a broken collarbone and a forced withdrawal. 

Jim said: “I took this as a sign my triathlon days were over. But early last year it occurred to me I had unfinished business and I should give it another shot even though the limbs and body are 10 years older. 

“Overall though, I really enjoyed it, especially crossing the line! I’ve no plans to do another one but I said that 10 years ago.”