Movie night for Gateway Club

21 Alexandra Road Reading, United Kingdom

It's a fish and chip supper and a movie this evening for members of Gateway Club. Gateway Club is a friendly, lively social club for...

Gateway Club

21 Alexandra Road Reading, United Kingdom

Members of Gateway Club will be planning their next round of activities this evening. Gateway Club is a friendly, lively social club for adults with...

Carers Get Together

Atrium Coffee Shop Greyfriars Church, Friar Street, Reading, United Kingdom

Are you looking after someone who cannot manage without your help? Join the Carers Partnership at one of our monthly get togethers and take some...


21 Alexandra Road Reading, United Kingdom

Our popular monthly discos for adults with a learning disability are held on the last Thursday of each month. There’s lights, action and great music....

Carers Get Together

Atrium Coffee Shop Greyfriars Church, Friar Street, Reading, United Kingdom

Are you looking after someone who cannot manage without your help? Join the Carers Partnership at one of our monthly get togethers and take some...


21 Alexandra Road Reading, United Kingdom

Our popular monthly discos for adults with a learning disability are held on the last Thursday of each month. There’s lights, action and great music....